Saturday, January 12, 2008

Sew In Saturday

Wow! What fun we had at the store today!

We had6 ladies from Oklahoma & Missouri who just wanted to come and sew. Well, when they arrived, they all wanted to be fit for bra's so we had an improptu Bra Class! Anne hasn't stopped talking - LOL - and it is now 6:00. For those of you who make your own bras they are putting on the lower elastic!

We have a few of the "regulars" and a few newbies for Sew In! Everyone is sewing along and the chatter, laughter & giggles seems to be drowning out the hum of machines and scissors.

Bras were definitely the garment of choice tonight!

We had a lot of fun and got a lot accomplished! And even better, all 6 out-of-towners were finished and fit in their bras before they set out home.

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